Sunday, December 16, 2018


I have been riding and I got 138.92 Miles to go.  I've been really taking it easy. I don't know if I pushed my self a little to hard those two days or what, but I got a raspy cough that I can't seem to get ride of.  Well finally tomorrow I go to the Dr to see if my heart monitor report survived, and find out about the other test?   As for riding in the rain, um no.   It's fun to do it, but not this time.  
 Other wise for riding 2018 has been awesome.
So I thought it would either be hideous or funny to post some of my suffering faces thought the years, not in any particular order.

 My first 100 miles.  No fresh face here. 
 Riding thought the heat. 
Not this particular photo, but the hottest I've ridden in is 112.
 The fun 50, I was totally dying.
 What happens when I'm off the bike for a full month.
 Friday & Club Classic back to back.  Crazed look.
 Not happy.
 Not amused.
 What was I thinking. 
This was the day I did my first Crit Race.   I woke up early and did 20 miles, because I wanted to get my miles in for the day.  Well I got my miles in.  I ended doing 70 miles which included the RACE.  Hence the dead zombie look.
 Going Feral and cray cray.
 The Pie Ride.   All fun going.  The head wind a fucking pill.
And the last two hills yeah. 
 Just a slight wind and a little drizzle.

 This is what happens when you go our on a Wind Advisory day.  I was not going very fast, in fact I was barley going 10 mph.  

 Not for the opposite of hot.   Fricking freezing.  It was 35 degrees with a wind chill factor of 30. 


  1. Very fun. When u don´t ride outside u should try indoor cycling, i know it is boring but, hell... we gotta do it.

    1. I've done it and I just don't like it. When I'm out side I see all sort of stuff. I had a Red fox trot in font of me, or a scared a very young coyote up from a hiding spot, or seeing a new born fawn hiding in the grass waiting for ma ma. This is were I want to be. Evey one finds there own little happy place, this is mind. ;)
