Sunday, August 18, 2019


When back out for a second helping.  I really did feel a difference in the bike seat adjustment for the better.  So now the next thing is to get the a wider handle bar and I think that should really me.   

LOL    This guy got into my Chain Ring photo!..

 Lot's and lot's of activity at the end of the path.   To the right it's all burnt to a crisp.
 Dang!   Not riding there.
 About a 1 1/2 away a different kind of activity.  Making room for more houses.  Chico is turning into San Francisco.   May dad used to work one of these.
 And a smaller version of this. 
I would sit in his lap and he would let me steer it. 

 Just riding in a area I ride all the time and WTF!  A bike path just appears out of nowhere.  And the curb is really sharp so no just riding over the bump.   

 Oh now it makes a little sense.  Some house caught on fire, and the bike path was over grown. Fire fighters come in and remove the overgrowth to the dead bike path to put out the fire.

 Look back at the road.
 So yeah this bike path goes no where.
 Need a mountain bike for this.

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