Saturday, January 11, 2020


 Awesome day to get the miles in.   First half with my best friend Jenni and the second half with my hubby.   I was feeling really good with the second half of the ride.
 If you wondering what looks like underwear on the back of hubby's pants is actually a reflector.   Now you know.
 New life from death.

I didn't even notice the little nut perfectly balanced on on the grass.  So cool.
 Sprout in a small hole in a rock.
 I rode home with hubby and kept going.
The cloud were so beautiful

 I have master balancing my bike up right with out supports.
 Sort of.  LOL The barbwire is invisible.


 Time to go home.
Got to 53.96 miles today. 

216.37 miles into the month is good.

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