Thursday, April 16, 2020


 Back at it.  Not to self stay away from Coconut milk, it did a number on my stomach.

 This is how I started my ride today.  So beautiful.

 Lots of wild flower are starting to spring there head up.  I've never seen this one before.  And I got my hands one a massive index of wild flowers so Bwahahhhhh.

And this one is not in it.  :(    The closet thing is White lupine, but this one has very specific details that white lupine dose not have.  

 This one is called Valley Tassel.
 And they don't have this one either.  
 Well dang it, there log isn't as big as I thought it was.  Nothing is coming up, so I'll have to look else were.
 These are super interesting. 

 This is it with flower budding out of the holes.
 Stages of blooms and no blooms.

 I know one thing the Lady bugs adore this.
 This was the best find.  OMG so tiny and so cute.
 They look like little tiny orchids.

 My bug face.  It was not rain, I was getting pelted with bugs that were hitting my face and helmet.  It sounded like rain hitting my helmet.     Give me Thunderstorms, rain, hail, wind, heat!!!!!   Sand storm, any thing but swarms of bugs.

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