Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Hubby and I started on APRIL 3th.

And we are doing traditional burpees, not the gun ho jump and push up kind.    The reason I avoided doing burpees was because I thought it entailed the push up and jump.  So when I saw the video of the guy doing 3000 in one month and he explained it in a way you didn't have to do the jump and push up I was like Alrighty then I can do this. 

I'm not going to lie there hard and I got to practice keeping my knees together, when I pull them forward.     Holy shit Hubby is making me look so bad, he's been doing 4 in a row flawlessly.   Show off.     So now were being a little competitive.  LOL  (all in fun)    
Here what the score board looks like

April 3rd.    Chris   3               Susen    2
April 4th                 4                             3
April 5th                 4                             6
April 6th                    Break
April 7th                    Break
April 8th                 8                             9        

I'm ahead by 1 point, but not for long.   

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