Sunday, April 5, 2020


The first two photos are Before photos.
Decided to take a break today from riding.   And hubbies hair is starting to take off.   His hair does not grow down, it goes up and up and if left on it's own he will have a Afro.  He show me a photo of him self as a teenager and wholly shit afro all the way.   
So while it's still manageable I decided to cut his hair today.  
Do I have experience in cutting hair no.  Have I ever cut hair before No.   Was hubby scared. YES.


 After      Well considering I think I did a pretty good job.   Hubby was pretty impressed that I did not give him a reversed mow-hawk.

I when very slowly and when he gets his hair cut before I always watch what they do.  And with a little guidance from him we have cut hair.    

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