Tuesday, April 7, 2020

62.29 MILES (4-6-2020) & A RAINBOW KIND OF DAY

Another awesome day check off.
This was yesterday and it was so nice, it was hot, but the air was nice and cool. So just right.

I did a 12 mile ride ahead of my hubby then we both met up to ride out the new construction sight of the Honey Run Covered Bridge for a pick-nick.
Lot's of birds here.   Coots, Canadian Geese.

On our way to the bridge.

It was so beautiful in the valley.

I road hubby home and kept on going.  Dark sky's, something brewing.

Now even darker.   Bawhaha.   
I like riding toward evening with dark skys make for some awesome shots.

And some awesome rainbows.    This was a double rainbow.  Can't really tell in the picture, but it was there.  And the rainbow made a full arch.
RAIN!  Cold rain. 
Yikes.   By this point it was raining pretty hard and I did not have a rain coat on.  I got soaked.
Turning blue.
My arms were like ice cubes. 
If I was bundled up it would have been a little easier, but just having one jersey on with no layers this was freezing.

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