Sunday, February 19, 2017

12 miles Airen with Hubby

Hubby got the riding bug today, he just had to ride.   And it was not raining, it was drizzling on and off, so he was like I can deal with that.  But we did suit up in rain gear and gloves.   The first half of the ride was fine, until it started to really rain. LOL :D  He was like shit.  6 miles to go and we both got drenched, big time.  And it was slow going, I couldn't see a thing and wiping my glasses did little to help.  And then 2 miles from home the wind picked up and the joy of riding into very strong wind let's say 20 mph and we were heading right into it.  Going home was a pain in the Bleep. Well at least it was 2 miles and not further.

I been like a ant on a sugar cube with my bike.   As soon as I get home I gently wash away all of the mud and grime.    Then I whip out my tooth brush and go to work on all the hard places to get.  I have a bit of diluted degreaser to get rid of any hard greasy areas that do pop up.  Rinse it off really good and dry it off.   

And I also lean something the hard way.  No turning the bike up side down when I break. Yes it looks bad ass, but it's not smart.  I got a tear in the handle bar.  :(   Noticed it when I was cleaning the bike.

I swear I must be the dreaded BUG Murder?  When I clean the bottom of the bike, their are really fat ant's and other insects plastered to the bottom of the bike.    Oh yeah I forgot to mention yesterday I had a big bug splatter on my teeth.  Yuck.        

Break day tomorrow.  

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