Sunday, February 5, 2017

21.8 miles Airen & 12.2 miles

 Well their must have been some sort of event going on because there were cyclist all over the place.  Lot's of cyclist.   The only other thing I could think of is everyone is getting ready for the Wildflower.    

So hubby and I geared up and headed out.   It was not really cold, but it was overcast and very dark.   Hubby did the 12.2 miles, and had to go home to study.  I stayed out just a bit more to do another loop.     At the end of my ride about 1 1/2 from home it started to rain, I was like oh crap, but I lucked out it didn't down pour until I was already home for about a half hour.   It really started to come down.   LOL      In the weather report it's was suppose to rain all this week.  But it's only been really raining toward evening.

I'm still scratching my head on the Cadence.  I ride fast it's 62 and 110.  I ride really slow 8 to 10 mph and it still 62 and 110.   ????    Maybe I'm half alive and half dead.    

Hmmmm   I should be able to do 109 miles in 5 hours.    Sound so easy to say it.  But it's not.   I can get to 50 and 60, I need to   ( hubby shaking his head at me right now).  Well at least I can try.
I want to do my first 100 miles not on a flat road, but the up and down thought the park.    This route make it harder.    When I did my first 71 miles, going up the two very small hills turn into my own personal Tour De Pain.  The 100 miles  will happen when it happens.       

 Yeah 21. 8 miles equals 128 calories burn.  LOL     1280 sound about right. 

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