Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Bronchitits Blues

Oh joy.  :(  Well got my 50 mile ride in at least.  But coughing and hacking on the bike is not going to happen.  How funny ride in the rain, then this.   I hope this get over soon.    Dreaming about my next big ride. 

 Just because I can I added up my riding totals for each month in stead of one lump sum like I posted.  
MAY ---  155.37 miles
JUN0E --- 359.36 miles
JULY --- 158.16 miles
AUG --- 216.05 miles
SEPT --- 243.02 miles
OCT --- 192.79 miles
NOV --- 170.69 miles
DEC --- 101.70 miles

JAN --- 305.39 miles
FEB --- 183.93 so far...........

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