Friday, November 30, 2018


 Yeah I'm smiling, but I can tell you this much I feel like shit. Kind of like when you get dragged behind a horse on a rope shit. I have a head ache, and was kind of hoping that a good bike ride would get rid of it and I'd start feeling better. Nope.

I was really hoping to join the Friday group ride this morning and well, not happening.   Actually I'm glad I didn't do it, the way I feel right now is awful.    And I'm going to miss another cool ride.  Pam is hosting a adventure ride tomorrow and nope, not doing it.    So phhtttttt.   Move on.
 Here is the Steve G Harrison Memorial Arch from the other side. 
 Hmmm we have a tiny village pop up behind the apartments.  People need to live somewhere.   

Yeah LOL 9.6 average. So yeah no riding. Tomorrow, maybe the next day.   

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