Friday, May 31, 2019


 Well it is what it is.  The WOW group took a ride around the Sutter Buttes, I didn't go.  That's ok I'll catch up with them next time. 
 Took off with hubby and road the 9 mile loop with him.  No more school so he's really focuses on losing the weight again.  My hubby is quite the culinary cook. I taught him how to cook and now he's branching off into his own style.
He's taking me on a culinary journey of Mediterraneans food.  
 Beautiful cloud.
 The pipe vines caterpillars are out and about.   So many of them don't die from getting run over, but they get fired on the pavement. They just stop and that it.  :(   But consider how many there are, there here each year.  I still do my best to avoid them. 
 This fly was funny.   I would get close and it was take a side step out of view. Try again it would side step.   There was some wet briquets on the ground, this fly would fly down gather up some of the wet coal and fly back to this spot.  I could see the wet coal in it's mouth parts.  
Well I almost ran over a black cat today. :(  I'm so glad I slow down all the time.  A child on a bike was perpendicular to me, so I slow down to let him pass and that is when the black cat bolted right in font of my tire.  If I would have been hell bent to keep going I would have probably kill it, it lined up with my front tire.  So yeah, always slow down, your bike path isn't going any where. 

 Our new adopted fur baby.   I just bought Skiddle's a new toy, and as you can see, she out for the count.  Sadly she can not be a indoor cat. He owners live in a two bedroom with 11 cat's.  Some of the cat's have ran away, don't blame them.  And I just learned through the neighbors that don't leave food or water out for this cat. The first time I fed her she was ravenous.  So she's our pouch cat.  I plan to make her a area that does not get baked by the sun.  Food, water, catnip and pettums.  She our new furry baby. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

35.49 MILES 5/29/2019 & A FASHION WOW

Had a fun time with the WOW group yesterday it was so fashion forward.  Darling.  

 First off did a photo shoot for explaining different saftey tips of cycling.   He's looking down and lifting his bike for a reason.

 Another pose to show how to get on a bike. 
A lot of my photos are being used in a cycling brochure on safety tips and what not. Can't wait to see it.  And my friend Jenni is in it too. 

Model power! 
This one show how far your helmet should come down, how your strap should go around your ear and how tight your helmet strap should be.   Lovely WOW models. 

 Off we go. 
 The modeling did stop as you could see by the pout lips.  These two know how to work the camera.  

Saturday, May 25, 2019


 How did I start my day?  Well got up at 4:00am and BOOM!  FLASH! RAIN! BOOM! BOOM! RAIN DOWN POUR! FLASH BOOM!

Stern look from hubby. Hell no your not taking off in that.
Text from Jenni: Tell me your not riding in that please.

Me: SHIT!   Cycling cops are on to me.
So we didn't take off till 7:00 am.

I had a horrible stomach in the morning, it went away, so I was like let's go.  I had all my grub with me in a back pack.

So I didn't get to 200 miles.  Phhtts big Deal at least I tired and there is always next time.  

Headed out to meet up with Jenni after the Bang and boom boom. 
 Huh! Two water bottles.  I found one that fit.  Now I can carry three water bottles.  While waiting for Jenni I did laps.

Such a beautiful way to start our ride this morning.  It was cool, cloudy, but no showers like they said. 

 Jenni and I decided to try our hand at farming.  I didn't go to well.

OMG! Were are my legs!!!!

Jennies a natural.                                                                                                     

 Took a break a Lunburg Rice Farm.

 Headed home the long way.

                                               Jenni could not resit the Taco Truck. 

So yeah bike lane is now a place were you stop and text.  Always a truck.

Yeah I'm tired.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


 Just a little rain.   This morning it down poured really bad.  I just road thought big drops, nothing that bad.  
 Overcast and beautiful on my way out.
 Lot of fast moving clouds.

 My god this was the last flower that was not spent.   So I lucked out.
 Ewwwwww a fly. 
So what it's still part of nature and beautiful in it's own flyish way.
 Wow this yellow plants were so frangrent and there were so many insects I had to stop and take some photos.
 Spider.  All eight eyes were on me.
 What is this I've got to find out.  So different, look at the wings.
Close up.  And it also has pollen pockets on it's back legs?  It some sort of Hover fly, but OMG there so many species.  I'll just call it Hover fly. 
 A beetle.
 Another fly.
 Uh oh.   Rain a coming.
 Stop to look for new flowers and what not's.
 Like delicate paper.
 Holy crap.  I did not even see the fly.  This flower was so small already.   The fly is towards the top with wings open.  So so tiny. 
 This one is blurry, but you can still see it hovering.  Dang. If I had been aware I have a guest I would have tried to get a better shot.
 These are so beautiful like a nest.
 A nest that blooms.   Tiny little flowers, tiny tiny did I mention tiny.
There also be tiny things growing on the ground.
 A star shaped pod. 

 The rains getting closer.