Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Yesterdays Ride.  I'm doing so much now things are backing up.   Like really.  I have so much good photo of the Air Port Crits I have yet not been able to post.  And a shit ton of more pictures to come.

LMAO   Well from the bridge I cross I could have sworn Jenni was waiting for me.  Turn out Jenni has a imposter!   No not Jenni but a school crossing flag. 

     Off we go.                       




                                                                           Dang the amount of wood they are pulling from Paradise is just astonishing.  There are huge wood piles every were.


                                           And so many trucks are going up and down you think it's a convention. 
We must have been past by over 200 trucks or easily more. 

 Huge construction sight with lot of loud construction workers. It must have not been a good day. 

Not in order.  This is on the way to Oroville. Can't get the photo were I want it so here it is.  


Headed home.

Table top mountain in the back ground.

Truck were not as nearly bad going back as they were coming.  Lunch Break?

So yeah I got a nail.   Jenni surprise me with her amazing bike tire changing skills.  I tried to do something, but she was like so fast I was kind of felling useless.  Well I pump the tire up.  I can say I help that way.

This is from Jenni's computer.  That is why mine mileage says 53.45 miles.  She lives further away.

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