Thursday, May 16, 2019


Well it's time I gave my bike some tender loving care.  I took it to Amain today to get deep down lookeey  loo.  It's 3 years old and I need to make sure everything is A ok!  

So it is what it is.  I'm going to be off the bike possible till Monday.  No big deal.  I rather have everything working good, then be out on a ride and have something happen.

I been scrutinizing the route over and over and did I mention over.  And I am also ready to fully accept that I might not get to my goal, but I'm going to try my best.  15 hours does not include rest areas, and food breaks.   I'm going to get up at 4:00am and start riding in a selected area then get to the fair ground at 6:00a.m meet up with Jenni and were off like greased lighting.   

I also bought drugs too.  Crank. 
Not those type!!!!!!!!

My drug of choice.

That just reminded me, the last pouch I had I poured the remaining white powder into a bowl so I could scoop it better with.  Put the bowl in the cupboard.  I came back and my hubby had this quizzical look on his face and said busted!   

I admit it I do cranked!

 So tonight was date night at Sierra Nevada Brew house.
Our one a year splurge.   
 It was slammed.  When we got there, there was a 30 minute wait.  Everyone after us it was up to a hour.   Yikes. 

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