Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Another great day to be on a bike.  So nice and cool.

In later news of the weird.  And to start off my helmet is not too tight.  Well I discovered to identical groves in my noggin under my hair line.   O-M-G!   Say what?!  I wear my helmet so much it's making groves in my head. Is that possible.  So you could say I don't know weather to laugh or cry?       
 Moo cows on the way out to the Air port.
 Well look at this a Holly Hock growing like crazy on the bike path.  So beautiful.

 Other little flowers popping up.   I got out to the Crit Meet up pretty early so I did laps until everyone showed up.
It was a great turn out at the Crits today.
 He forgot his number so he's having it carved into his back.   No he's just goofing off. 
 Fun photo bomb.
 Space alien coming to take me away.     Oh shit no, just holes in the clouds.

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