Monday, August 22, 2016

14 Miles 8-22-2016

Well it's the 22nd and hubby is going to be in class Monday - Friday.  :(   I road today by my self.  As soon as the first week is over and settled he's going to see if he can sneak a few rides in here and their.  And then longer rides will be on Saturday and Sunday. And it all depends on how much home work he has.  

Saw Mama Turkey again and her flock of babies has turned into almost full size Turkeys.  I passed them on the way out of my ride and on the way back.   So cute.  Remind me of getting on the school bus in Oregon and see a flock of Wild Turkeys on the ride to school.   It also helped that we lived out in the middle of no where.   Bears and Bobcats too. 

I really wanted to do hill climbing again, but I decided not today.  Instead I did a fast ride and yes sense the axle is fixed I'm going faster.  
Now for some fun.  This is a scene from Hot Fuzz. Were he run's around a corner and says You Mothers.  Well I had to laugh because I had that moment.  LOL Came down the path and their were about 6 Mothers coming just like that blocking the whole road.    So I whispered under my breath.  You Mothers.  LOL  
Well maybe if I were a real mother I might not find it funny, but I'm not so I find it hilarious. 

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