Monday, August 1, 2016

7/31/2016 12 miles

Did 12 miles yesterday.  Very good ride.   But I really do think the quail have it out for us, not yesterday, but today on our short ride to the coffee shop we had a herd of 20 to 25 quail flew in front of us safely.  Chris and I looked at each other and started laughing.  
Yippy the rest of August is going to be hot, but not 108-110.  mostly 99 to 92 with only two day being 101. 

Week got three week and two day of good riding together, then Chris goes back to Chico State.   So riding with my hubby is going to be a challenge.  And any long ride together are going to be a problem to, because he will be studying.    So a new month with new challenges.

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