Tuesday, August 2, 2016

8/2/2016 OUR BREAK DAY well sort of. 6.6 miles

Today was our break day, but I still ended up riding 6.6 miles, but this was not all at the same time.  We did our exercise today to make up for the fact we did not do a long ride.  We have 10 different thing we do.   

My poor hubby fell of his bike, well not quite.  His peddle hit the corner of a brick wall and he toppled and the wall broke his fall, but he was balanced on it and could not pull him self off.  So I had to pull him up. Poor guy, well at least he didn't fall off all the way.  

I posted a picture of the Fresh Peach and Cherry smoothie I made a couple of days ago.  Really hits the spot on a hot day. No sugar added, it was sweet enough on it's own.    

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