Tuesday, August 30, 2016

8/30/2016 14 miles / 8 miles

The ride today was great didn't feel so sluggish.   Hubby did a shorter 8 miles ride and I did a longer 14 mile ride.   So we got to ride together for 3 miles before he went in a different direction and home.   Like I said he's swimming in homework.  
Ya no crazy drivers going up to Horse Shoe lake.  But I did startle a crow and it startled me.  Was feeling really good so I did three climbs up the hill.   And my bike is purring like a kitten, compare to how I was riding it before.   The ride around the loop was pretty uneventful until I got close to home.    I pass a Jr high school and so far I've missed the kids getting out.  OMG not this time is was chaos.    You don't say one your left to kids. In fact you can't say anything.  They just give you that indifferent glare or oh a grown up.    So I was literally going 4 to 5 miles an hour.   And their was no escaping the hoard of kids for about 0.8 miles.     

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