Friday, August 26, 2016

8/26/2016 14.32 miles.

Really great ride today. Feeling really good. Of course the first part of the ride was the hardest it always is.   Decided to do some hill training to day.  When up the hill in reps 5 times and it does not feel like I'm slogging thought wet mud.    I love the fact that the Turkeys and Quails are out and about with their flocks, so sweet.  I ordered a new speedometer so it should be here at the end of this month.  I also ordered Chis a pare of padded cycling pants, he really needs it badly, he got no more cushion on for his tussy.  So this should help with longer rides. 

Some lady pulling our of her drive way on the way out to the park almost hit me.  She was not looking were she was going and I had the right of way.   She slammed on her breaks and I was like shit.  I could see that she was looking at her phone.    And I was on the right side of the road going the right direction.    

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