Friday, November 4, 2016


I swear I can't win.   I just lost my position as the key holder for the rec room, which means I no longer have access to going in and exercising after hours.   It's nothing I did, the corporation change their rules.  Well it was nice while it lasted.   So after my affirmation of proclaiming I will cycle after window painting, well that going to be really difficult now.   On the other hand my bike is in the shop getting some TLC.   I told them to fix every thing and anything.    This bike has been abused a lot, with my weight, long ride and all that jazz.    I just can't wait to be out side again.  I'm sure your seeing a patten really good riding, then fall on my face, then really good riding then fall on my face.    What can I say I'm consistent.    Teeth problems? What teeth problems.    So after the long haul of summer the sweet sound of money is starting to finally come in and I drooling over finally getting my new bike.  I know I posted things way too early, but I (CAN) wait.     I think I said this before, but we both abused the first bikes because how did we know that we would ever do long rides and take cycling seriously.   The were just meant for going to the college and back or riding to the 2 1/2 miles to the park.      So all in all it will have been a full three weeks of being off my bike and riding 45.6 miles with in those three weeks.    Feel the burn. LOL      What I am really looking forward to is climbing.   My legs feel the best when going up hill, don't ask me why.  When I did the 71 miles towards the end, I was more at ease on the slight up grade then I was doing slightly down hill.   Cycling is a drug, literally a drug.  I need to be back on my own bike to get that high.   That is why I had the melt down with that stationary bike.   It's not the same, the spinning wheel is so small and no matter how high the resistance is, it is not the same as actually climbing a hill.    Poor hubby has no time to ride he's up to his eye balls in test and more test.   He rides every once in a while just to control his legs from wigging out.      Well my bike will be fixed this Monday or Hopefully Saturday.   Can wait.    

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