Tuesday, November 1, 2016

SIGNING OFF 11/1//2016

Wait? What?  Window painting and Cycling do not mix. :(  This is normal for me this time of year, I am I window painter and my customers are starting to book orders.  :)   So bike even on the stationary bike it a no go. :(    Oh well it was bound to  and it happed last year and the year before.   I not going to die.  And I will still be getting plenty of exercise up and down and up and down the ladder, and believe you me I'll be moving daily. LOL   However when I order my new Diamond Back I might pop back up.  ;)   Hopefully soon and if I have the time.     Talk about the craziest feeling, I been feeling my bike helmet on my head, is my brain having with draws?    I swear.  Hubby's sharing the pain with me, he's rides by him self, but it just not the same.   As for my teeth.  HA HA HA HA.  I'll just say the tooth next to my crack tooth which on the x rays is healthy just cracked today.    Oh well.    I turn 42 on the 12th of November, so bring it on.  ;)    As long as I'm standing up right I'm ok.    If you see me laying on the ground some were all I ask is drag me over to a tree and prop me upright. ;)  Thanks. 

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