Sunday, November 6, 2016

12.12 miles 11/6/2016

I about spit my coffee out this morning when I found this.  It sum's up how I feel about riding on the stationary bike.  LMAO   

Well I'm so happy to be back on the bike and I didn't even let the weather stop me, very overcast, windy and a bit rainy, but I luck out the rain stopped with I got on the bike.    Oh my poor poor tushy, sitting on the stationary bike seat really did a number on me.   Here the run down of how I feel. 
MY WILD MIND:   YAAA HOOO 40 miles or more, 20 reps Hill climbing here we come.  RIDE.
MY RATIONAL MIND:   Two more good rides and I'm be ok.
MY TUSH:   What the hell are you doing to me, why are you changing seats, I hate you.!  
Yeah I got dropped and I got dropped bad. LOL  It's ok.   But next time, he won't be so lucky....BWHAAAAA!    Well tomorrow is going to be busy for me I'm painting Sushi King and that can range from 5 to 6 hours of ladder climbing.   Depending when I get done I will probably do a ride. After 1 or 2.    This is the first year I'm going to make a big effort to ride after painting. 
So another day another ride. :)

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