Wednesday, November 30, 2016

1,563.44 miles.

Maybe if your a professional your looking at this and going Meh.  But for me I'm pretty dame proud.  Yeah that last of the month as been so so for bike riding.  But This is what I have accomplished with my hubby, by my side.  His would be a little less than mine, but I'm not leaving him out of this, he worked his butt off two and he a trooper when it come to the pain cave.

As of  5/18/2016 which is the first official post we have rode 1,563.44 miles and have burned a grand total of 76,007.2 calories.   :)        

The next thing we have planned is to takes Chris bike to the Dr and get it some TLC, hubby does not want a new bike. :(     His class ends in another two weeks and window painting will dry up some what.  More time to ride. :)   I planned to still use my first bike, she's not going to be ignored, but I'm retiring her from long rides.  

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