Tuesday, November 29, 2016


OMG It's Beautiful!  It's mine my precious...... Oh huh was that me.  Oh yes it was.  And yes it's ordered.  This isn't a dream, it's a reality.  And I'm in love.   It's Airen 1 Diamond Back Road bike.   eeeeeeeeeeeee!    Now this time I'm going to make sure my baby is taken care of.   It will have it's own bed and I read it bed time stories...LOL   No not really, but I'm going to take better care of it than the other poor Diamond back.  But I'm not trashing my first love, I've got big plans for it in my training.  Sorry I'd tell you but I have some thing I want to keep my secret for now.   In all the cycling magazines I have never seen any one do this.  I will tell you about in time.  ;)       So I'm going to be counting they days down till it arrives.     

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