Thursday, June 22, 2017


Skipped the Fun 50, like I said before I chose life.   Even after 6:00 in the evening it was still 104 to 106ish.   I can push my self, the when it's this hot.  Hell no.    
Decided to another day off to at least let my knee recover from the last ride.   The pain is all up front and it starting to feel a lot better.   Like I said probably a sprain.

Saw two cyclist out in the heat today and the temperature gauge was reading 111.
Fuck putting on sun lotion, try barbecue sauce.  Because their basically slow roasting them selves.   Seriously.  

If I do any riding it will be early in the morning or late in the evening.  So no long rides.   My healthy is way more important that racking up the miles.

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