Thursday, June 15, 2017


Did a easy ride today, push my self a bit in certain areas, but other wise kept a steady pace. 
My bike is squeaking?  I have no idea what is causing it.  I've had it looked at several times and no one can seem to identify the squeak?  So it remains a mystery for now. 

I am really liking my new route. Without any pot holes or people I can really get a moving. :)   

I think I'm going to break the 100 miles into to parts, because of the heat.  50 in the early morning and 50 in the evening.    Other wise I'm going to be a fried chicken on a bike.  I might as well just bread by self and call it good.

Oh I can't wait to do the Fun 50 again. 

And yes I'm taking a break tomorrow.   My tookiss need a break.   

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