Monday, June 12, 2017

ON BEING A ADDICT & Bike is Fixed.

Yes I'm a addict a coffee addict, and more like a sugar addict.  A Dutch addict.   This is the biggest problem I have with sugar.   Logically I can rationalize the crap out of why these are so bad from me, but emotionally this is comfort drink for me.   I don't smoke, but if it did this is my drag.   It takes away all my anxiety and it make me forget about my past.  It's a pass port to freedom in a cup. 
I used to be addicted to frappuccinos before 2006 and no joke I could drink 4 venti's, in one day, that is how stressed out I was. It's horrible to look back and admit I did that, but before I meet my hubby, it was all I could do to keep my self sane.  

Well I did weened my self off of that and didn't better my self I just replaced it with another addiction.   Not good.  Not good at all.  But instead of 4 frap's, I drink about two Dutch. :/

Yes I have tried and tried and Tried to kick this habit, but I am really a addict. 
I am going to try my hardest (Once again) to kick this.  My gut bacteria have all ready gone on strike.   I can feel them protesting.  How ironic as I write this I feel like someone has just died.   Yeah my addiction is that bad.  
The pros.  I do eat very healthy already.  It's just the sugar part, in the coffee that I have a problem with.  
Long ago when I was a teeny bopper I had another addiction, Soda, glorious amounts of soda, which was supplied daily at high school.  When I was 16 something snapped in me, I did some self refection and said to my self why am I drinking it so much?  Well I know the real reason, but I decided enough is enough and amazingly back then went cold turkey and it work.   So I did it before I can do it again.
And I was doing some thinking about what it take to get off a addiction.  The more I thought about it the more it is just like riding 100 miles, no really.  It is using the exact same mine set.  The only difference is when your riding your fighting your brain, it's telling you WTF and your telling it Shut up and keep riding.  As for the addiction your still fighting your brain and your gut bacteria, yeah let's not forget about them, because that is were your cravings come from.   Your getting all these signals to dive for the sugary bliss and at the same time your holding your self in check.     

Hubby says I should try to ween my self off instead of go cold Turkey.  So  maybe I'll do that.  
But in other news my bike is getting fixed :D   And I'm doing a ride to day.    

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