Tuesday, June 13, 2017


 Well I can say it's not the rods.   They're fine.   Apparently the inner mess of the tire itself had a hair line tear or a slight manufacturing anomaly that cause this bulge and S curve looking hick up.   Going to try to find the replacement tire that fits the bike.   If not, then go with another brand.  We'll see what happens tomorrow.    So I got 7.9 miles in.  Dang what a amazing ride.  LOL


 How do you feel super awesome?   When you find out that Bill Nye is a Diamond Back ((Spokes)) person and loves the bikes, that how.  :)    I think this is so cool.   He teaches every thing you need to know about a bike and every thing in between the gears.    

In other news there is some really fun summer rides coming up.  This is were I wish I had a bike rack on the car.  If this this Christmas is a win fall for me like it was last year, hell yes that on my own Christmas list.  
Everything I do has to be with in riding distance or I can't do it. hmmmm   The close one is Stirling city.  29 Miles + 33 miles = 62 miles.   But getting up their at 9:00 am I would have to start out in the dark.   That is not going to fly.  Well see what happens.  Maybe I can get a ride. (????) 

What would be really awesome is the other ones. Get out of the blasted park and cycle some where different.  Well I should not blast the park that bad, it's got me to were I am by going around in circles.  

 Yeeeah check out this mileage. Jealous.
 And 13.6 average speed, more like -13.6.  LOL
25.6 ok that is better.    

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