Sunday, June 18, 2017

11.3 MILES, 106 F & HOLY FUCK

 Yeah you heard me right Holy Fuck!   Not only was it hellishly hot, there was a very hot wind.   I took some short cuts just to get out of the heat, that's why it's not 12.1 miles.   
I have a temperature gauge on my speedometer and up toward Horse shoe lake it was 111.   Yuck.   It was getting so hot at one point I turned my road bike into a off road bike, I cut thought the park on a off road dirt bike path to get into the shade.   Then the temp started to go down 110, 108, 107, and finally to 103 and it stayed like that until I exited the park to go home.  Then it started to climb back up and fast.  It took less than a 1/2 mile to climb from 103 to 108.   The hot wind did not help any.    I am not riding tomorrow!   I look and feel like death warmed over.  
And another thing I'm not doing is the fun 50.  It's suppose to be 110 on that day so it could reach 112 to 114 easily and after 6 it's not going to get any cooler.  I chose life.  I'm insane some times, but not all the time.  The heat just sucks the energy out of me.  So yeah no 50.
So many people in the park at one mile WOW! It was swamped and the life guards were on duty too.  Lot's of people swimming.   

Well on my new route that has no pot holes I still have to pay attention.  Around one corner that can be a blind spot to me when my sun glasses are one and the sun is bright, there's a huge deep pot hole that if I hit, it would send me flying off the bike.  I almost hit it yesterday.  So I've been making a mental note to avoid it.  

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