Friday, June 2, 2017


Decided to make my break day 3 days.  I have yet to understand why 3 days feels like 3 weeks off the bike.   It must just be me.   
Got my bike rod's on my bike fixed at Sport's LTD.  So yeah I can ride tomorrow.  :)    And there nothing like getting my finger super glued together.  It actually help your grip on the handlebars.   No really.    Ok now for the truth, I asked Frankie if he could super glue my magnet, so it stays still during the ride.   Believe me it's not going to move this time.  Oh and if your in Sport's LTD ask Frankie about pizza, you won't be disappointed. 

But I discovered I suffer from C.J.D   Cycling Jealousy Disorder.   When I see people riding, note not leisure cycling I get crazed.  Ask hubby.    Another thing I have notice to is I have this strong desire to over take other riders. :(  I'm frowning because I can't seem to control it.  I can logical tell my self ok your going to wear your self out.  But my brain snap's and off I go.  ;/   Sometime even into 50 miles.  After 70 I'm like nope.  So yeah I've got speed problems.   Yet I have no desire to ride with the critters.  

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