Thursday, April 11, 2019


 Well today was one of those days.  And what do you do? You just roll with it.   I missed my WOW group ride to table top mountain.  (Insert Sobbing Here).   No I'm ok, but dang.   I really must have needed the sleep, because I slept in today. 

I'm going to catch a ride with Friday Group tomorrow, to make up for missing the WOW group.   

I took my bike over to AMAIN Cycling shop and had then check out my bike.  I had no idea what was going on.  Had to pick up Hubby from Chico State and traffic was a pill, It took me a half hour just to go from Forest Ave to Chico State, going back was better, but I was going I need to get my bike before AMAIN closes!!!!  Just made it in time.   Whew!  
Well they only charged me for labor and I got new peddles on them.  Talk about doing the happy dance.   THANK YOU AMAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!            

 My old peddles.  I feel so sad throwing them away, these peddles have got some miles on them.  It feels like I'm throwing a part of me away.  I get sentimental with things. 
 My new peddles.   Snazzy, ready to be broken in. 
 Jealous yet?

Well I knew I was not going to get much of a long ride in an my thigh's are a bit sore so I took it easy peasy.

 Tiny is not the right word.  Microscopic is better.

 The light play this evening was wonderful.

 Hello there.   My god beetles are hard to take pictuers of.  There was three of them and they were fast as lighting.   Don't ask me how many photos I took just to get this one.  Pant pant pant.

 Most of the flowers I take pictuers of are tiny, this tiny.

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