Thursday, April 25, 2019


 Good day for a good ride. 

Just three more days and I'll be kicking ass doing 3 climbs in one day on the Wildflower, with Jenni and Janelle.  
Can't wait for the suffer fest to begin.

 They draining the pool in the park again, that's always interesting to watch.
 Kiddy pool for everyone.
 The fire bush is blooming.

 And Check this out!  Our WOW group leaders got interviewed by the CN&R Chico News and review.
How cool is that.   And they used some of the photos I took. 
And on top of that they spelled my name right when they gave me credit for the photos.
 Two page article really cool.
The photo's to the right are mine. The one one the left is not mine. I would have been in the photo to the left, but I missed that ride.  Dang a dee dang dang dang. Oh well. 

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