Sunday, April 14, 2019


 Yes I'm a cycopath what can I say.
 I went really slow and took my time and I did no climbing.
Oh by the way THIGHT'S Not TIGHTS!!!!  LAMO

I went gang busters into April with the climbing.   Seriously.

I climbed Humboldt 4 times.  Did a little climb to Nicalog rd with the Friday group ride and did Centerville too.   So you could say my legs hurt.

So the end of the day was easy and enjoying the new flowers.

                                                 Hubby taking off with me for a ride. 
Dog wood.

A little flower.
Lot's of little flowers.

Decided to go off road.  If my bike can handle doing the Paskenta route I don't think this should be much of a problem.
Looking for new flowers.
Found some.  Growing in the muddy areas. 
Now what's this.  I am really out of my league with identifying wild flowers. 
The cloud were really interesting this evening.

Butterfly attack.  This butterfly really like my bike.  Every time I was ready to leave it lite on my bike. 
No you can not have my bike.

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