Monday, April 1, 2019


 Raining with a little bit of wind to make a perfect second half of the ride.   Did 36.20 miles total.   And got wrapped up in wild flowers!  
 Over cast and beautiful!

 Time to stop and take a shit load of photos. 

 With in flowers.
I'm out of my league here, I have no idea what these are.  Except for the Lupin.
 I could not stop looking at this.  WOW!   These are not big flower but tiny (tiny).   Smaller than the butterfly chrysalis.
 Well not these and the lupin.
 But this one yes! Tiny.
 These are the hardest to take picture of because of the color.  I taken gazillion photos and they never turn out.  Tiny.
 And these are extra tiny.
The seed pod was not. But it's so pretty.
 This was not tiny.  But OMG it looks like a butterfly.   The camera made it blue, but it really a lovely shade of purple.

 Getting more overcast and windy.

 I had to stop my self from taking more pictuers.  I love this leaves with the dew drops in them.

 Lupin up close.

 No Lupin was harmed.  
 Great day.

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