Monday, July 17, 2017


If your a Lord of the Ring fan you'll know what I mean by Riding's back on the menu.  😁  

Well 1 week and three day later, I feel refreshed and ready to get back to what I love.  Started out easy today, no sense in doing a hard ride after such a long down time.    My legs woke up to day with a vengeance, like "Hey you, yeah you!  Why are you not on the bike already.    It's just funny how the whole time before they were dead, no so much as a peep.   So whew that's over with and done. 

18.96 miles and I'll have beaten last year miles.   

Hubby Check!

 Spruzza Mister Check!
 Speedometer Check!

                   Special Designer Riding shoe's with paint. Check. It's really the paint chips, that the secret.  

 810 calories.

Dang I've only gone 17 miles sense I've got my speedometer!    No I had to reset it.   Talk about a pain.  I sat on the floor next to the bike trying to get the computer to pair.  Ugghhhh!   I got tired cut off the ties and bingo it Paired right off the bat.   So yeah.  

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