Thursday, July 20, 2017


My first Fun 50 was 5/17/07  And well it is what it is, the first two rides I did the speedometer were acting squiffy.  So little to no data bummer.  Another thing I got to do is start taking advantage of the fact that my speedometer is equipt to read two bikes.  Bike A and Bike B.  So I got to use Bike A for the warm up then remember to switch it over to bike B for the 50 so I can keep track of the information better.   Every thing is really sketchy.    

FUN 50
5/17/2017  Avg 15.8 Max 23.4  MY FIRST RIDE
5/24/2017  Speedometer did not read. :(  23 miles.
5/31/2017   Bike down.
6/7/2017     I was sick
6/14/2017   53.1  miles Avg 15.3 Max 24.7  Hours 3:31
6/21/28       Sizzling  HOT  
7/5/2017     40 miles Avrage 14.9 Max 22.8  Hours 2:47hours
7/12/2017   Taking a break.
7/19/2017   36.0 Average speed 15.2 Max 23.3  Hours 2:02

Wow I've only done 5 rides and it feels like I did lot's more, that's crazy.    Wow the 19th brutal for me with the heat.     As you can see my warm up rides are not helping me see my progress.   So Bike A & Bike B.  Now all I have to do is kick my self in the butt and remember.  

Another thing that I've got to work on letting other people yell out car this or that.   I yelled out car right when the car was on the left.   Yeah that's going to make me a winner.  (being sarcastic)   Having Dyslexia and cycling oh the joy again being sarcastic.  
So keep my mouth shut.
Follow the bike in front of me.
Listen to Dave.  If I don't forget what he looks like again.  LOL
Try to peddle with out coasting and keep at lest three feet from the bike in front of me.  
On to the next ride.
Going to do the Tour De Friday tomorrow.    

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