Sunday, July 9, 2017


 Really nice ride, yes it was hot, but their was a nice breeze.    And my Spurzza mister is really nice to have.   I can't not imagine it not being on my bike now.    Well my Ass-cation is over with and I started out today riding with my Cookie Monster Aka Hubby, we did about 8 miles together, then after I went home with him, I when back out and did the rest of the ride.   I felt really good, refreshed and charged. 
Man was their a lot of cops about and about in the park.  👀👮   They were looking for some one.   On the way home with Chris two cops cars did U turns in front of us on the bike / car path.  They saw up, but it was a bit unnerving because it look like he was going to back up on me.   Kind of freaky.   So yeah about three cars were going down the bike / car path thought the park the wrong way.

And that's not all after I got back down from Horse shoe lake along my new route.   I was a distance from the car ahead of me and ahead of the car was a truck hauling a white square trailer the same size as the truck.     The next thing you know the trailer and truck is making a fast and unexpected U turn in the intersection.   The car behind slams on it's breaks and veers around.    I'm like shit....     The truck with the trailer is still going the same direction as it was before and I notice the back tires are smoking and he can't get the trailer to stop.  He did, but it took him a while.   So what I figured is instead of slamming on his breaks, he avoided tipping the trailer and as he did the U turn, he went with the flow and let the momentum control the trailer and truck.  But hell talk about a tight U turn out of no were.  I almost came to a stop as I watch this unfold.    Yikes.  

It reminds me about two years ago when I still had my old, Diamond back and I was riding with Chris and we were coming up on a hair pin turn.  This was too close for comfort.   The guy was going way to fast as he past me and he almost flip the truck right directly in front of me.  The truck fish tailed really badly it tipped then the guy was able to gain control and did he slow down... nope.  

Calories 1220.

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