Wednesday, November 15, 2017


What a crappy month for riding.  :(    Only 83.3 miles.   Dang!    Well it is what it is.   So far getting on the bike has not been happening.  :(    So today I was like after I paint Fresh Twist, I was like I'm heading to the gym. So I did.   I could really feel my obtruder nerve in my right legs.  It was sore and achy, but it went away.
 What's the difference between Jacobs Ladder exercise machine and my ladder I use for window painting.  A-LOT!   I did about 13 minutes on the Ladder contraption.  3 minutes, break, 3 minutes break, 3 minutes, break then 4 minutes.   On this machine it's at a steeper angle than I would be on my little stool or ladder.  My ladder and stool the rungs are flat, on the exercise machine the rungs are rounded.    That reminds me one time I had a window painting job that was 8 hours long and the only ladder at that time had round rungs.  My feet were on fire, because I was balancing on the arch of my foot the whole time.    If you want to buy a good ladder never every buy one with round rungs.    For a window painter it's death by the wrong rung.   And another difference is when your one a regular ladder it's not moving as your moving up.  OMG! I think I would die.  I would never ever get to the window to be able to paint and again the angle is very different, but I can say I really like it.   It the angle that get's me winded faster.  My heart get pumping and I literally get out of breath.  So that's a good thing.    Sense were on the topics of ladders, what is the tallest ladder I climbed?  A three story ladder to get to a roof on a theater, that was intense.  It was straight up and down and metal. I climbed up a on story, then the ladder ended right there we had to shimmy to the right a little then it continued up another 2 stories, it was the only way we could get to the roof.   The highest scaffolding ladder I've been on was 20 feet on a incline.  No this is not for window painting. LOL   This is when I worked for United Artist Theaters and no it was not as a regular employee.    

It was so busy today, wow every body was exercising.   There was this one girl just sitting on some equipment I wanted to use and all she was doing was texting.  Really.  I used other equipment and just kept one eye to see if was gone yet, nope, still texting.  Come to think of it, I think only about three people including me were not texting.   How do you get a good work out, if your not in the moment of what your doing.?????      Oh well.    Let's be thankful Dr don't text while they do surgery.  
I played some racquet ball and in the court next to me I could hear wham!  wham!   I was like holy shit what kind of racquet ball game are they playing Bowling ball version?   Stopped what I was doing and two girls were in their practicing with soccer balls and kicking them against the wall.   Now I know, because it really echoed on my side.

Now here is some real cool beans from NS Fitness.   If you donate a whole turkey you get a session for free, I believe it is a whole month, but I suggest for you to call in just to make sure.   But regardless it's a sweet deal. Your helping a needy family and getting some exercise time in.   They also have a food drive bin, so if your in the area and feel the need to share there bin is right in the front.    

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