Saturday, November 4, 2017


     Well only three people from the North Rim Group showed up that included me, the rest of the riders were lanky, decked out and speaking in cycling code. The weather was overcast, very windy and with a little bit of drizzle here and there along the way.  Other wise the prefect day to get my ass kicked out of left field.   This was truly a grueling ride.  From 1 mile out to the over pass towards Coal Canyon it was riding into a strong head wind and riding the hills first really took it out of me.  When I did the Crush ride in reverse I was able to build up to the hills, and still have energy to do a sprint toward the Midway.   Doing the hills first, holy shit)  yay there small, but there is a lot of them.  And mind you the first Crush Ride I did we at least rested about 3 times.  This ride we just stopped at the freeway pass.  When we were on the over pass we got a lot of friendly honks from the cars.  And on the midway too. That's 100% better than getting the loud horn and a middle finger.    
So yes I got dropped a lot, actually repeatedly.   The first drop was just before the high way pass going out to Butte College.  Then someone got a flat, so a bunch of them stopped and I would pass them.   Then I got dropped again pass the college. 

The gaggle of cyclist flew by me like I was sitting still and they continued straight ahead.  (????)   I was like I don't remember the Crush ride going that way.  So I followed a guy for a while and I did the route I remembered.  Of course I fell behind him.   Slogging along yet again the gaggle of cyclist passed me again.  LOL How many time can one person be dropped in one ride?   Lot's.    When I got to first and only rest stop on the overpass it was so cold, when your moving your body warm up and then when you stop burrrrrr.   
So after our break we headed off toward 99 and again a whole slue of cyclist got more flats, it steamed like they were dropping like files.  By default this was allowing me to not get that far behind.  So by the time I got to the midway and down a ways the first group passed me again and I got dropped.  I had to stop and take a break, my thighs were on fire.  I literally could feel all of October cycling & NS fitness.   So yes I am so sore.    So got back on my bike kept slogging and one of the guys ahead came back and what checking on the only straggler me, and he kept riding to see if the second group had caught up. They had not.   So make me wonder how many flats they had.  I road with the first group from
Durham and yes I got dropped again, I was really tired.    I can do 40 and 50 miles, but add the hills and wind and it changed the whole dynamics of the ride for me.  

Considering my average speed isn't spectacular, but I was surprised I was in the 14.7 range.  It was in the 15 range, until I slow down and when home.   So 14.7 is better than 13.    In comparison my average speed on the last Crush Ride that was done backward was 16.1.  

I'm so sore.  The LDS ride is tomorrow, I don't think I'm going to do it.  :(     And like I said, been working out at NS and Yes I can feel it.   

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