Saturday, November 25, 2017


So yeah absolutely no time for a quick ride.  :(   I'm been putting in 6, 7 & 8 hour days and coming home way to late to do a bike ride.   So it is what it is.  But heck I'm stair stepping champion.   I wish I could share some pictures with you, but my new camera needs another piece of equipment to work, little did I know, so no pictures right now.    And Monday I have a 11 hour job, that will take me over two days at Twin City Flooring in Yuba City.   I really feel like I've gotten into a space craft and left the cycling world.  :(    My poor bike is just sitting. :(     And like I said as soon as I'm done I'm going to plan out a cycling path for 35 to 40 miles for Chico, Paradise & Durham.    As for Yuba City it is 99 miles.  As for the people who want to really suffer there will be a 132 miles ride, what I'm painting down there is 11 hour of window painting suffering it will be well worth the effort, well that if you like window painting art.  I'm probably going to do the one here in town as of account my legs are going to be zapped by the end of window painting season.    Well check this out I was down in Yuba City painting New Earth Market yesterday and a lady from the Chico Area Group rides said hi.   At first I was uh hi?   Then she told me that she rides with me some times.  Oh!  How funny is that.  I will never know were I'll meet some one.         

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