Saturday, November 11, 2017


Well sense I flubbed on the ride this morning.  I kicked ass at the gym by doing a 3 hour and 10 minutes work out.   And yes I'm sore.  And I found new exercise machine hiding all the way in the back of the heavy weight room.  I don't go there, because NO! I can't lift anything in that room.  I walk back there to go out side and I flipped the second largest tractor tire four time.  On the way back in I was like what the heck is that.   I ask a employee and they explained to me and so of course I was like I want to try it out.   HOLY SHIT!  This is a freaking hell of a work out.  Two minutes on this and I was out of breath and my heart was pounding.  I managed to get 4 reps in.  So yes I will be defiantly using this machine.    Well here is how it works you put a belt and adjust it to your height, so I looked for 5'9 and adjusted it.   When you step on and start climbing you can go slow or fast.  And when you want to stop all you do is ride the rung to the bottom and get off.   For some reason by adjusting the belt to your height it lets the computer the speed of the rungs.    When I first tried it out I put the belt on, got on and started climbing and I could not even get to were the lady is in the picture and I was so out of breath.  As soon as I was told to adjust the belt to my height and got back on I was able to look at the screen.  
I did everything in reps of 4, played some racquet ball, did stretches and just kept going.  I even road 5 miles on a stationary bike.... oh the humanity.     I do believe with the smaller jobs I have I'll be able to get some exercising in here and there, but with the huge projects um no.

Well 11/13/2017  I'll be 43 years old.   I talk to a man who was 97 years old and he told me that your 40's are the best years of your life.   When your in your 20 is about what you can get,  when your in your 30's is about holding on to what you have and when you reach your 40's your like fuck it all and just enjoy life.

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