Friday, November 3, 2017


As of today I'm going to regularly log my NS Fitness work out.   I've only longed a few, but as for November I'm going to log as much as I can. This ties into my cycling, me building up my core strength.  I do not have a trainer,  instead I am being my own trainer.  Kind of like I did when I started out cycling.  No one is going to hold your hand,  it's either you get your ass out there and train or you don't.
Well looking back on October I really did good.  So what I didn't make it to 500 miles...meh.  467.8 miles is just fine.

Calories Burned for cycling, spinning included............26,400
Calories Burned for working out..................................13,340
   Total Calories Burned for October.....39,740.
 Hell yeah!!!!!

So for the whole month of October I was in the gym 13 day and a total of 16 hours and 96 minutes.  So yes I feel good.

I finally found my limit to wearing my self out as in getting home and waking up sore the next morning.   The limit for me is working out in the gym for 2 hours and 30 minutes.  That is when I have to call it quits.

In other news I only have 731.81 miles to go, from 3,096.78.      

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