Monday, November 20, 2017


Today was pretty well dead for me, the place I was suppose to paint did not have a awning or protection from the rain so it was a no go.   I really had to shove my self into the gym today.  I was stalling, my body was like yes please and my mind was uh no, so I kick my self in the ass and went to the gym anyway.  Yeah it was that kind of day, the day were you drag your own ass into the gym. 
Worked out my legs, by doing legs presses, that really does the trick. I leg pressed 270lbs 3 times in sets of 10, and for the last rep of 10 I added on another 5 pounds to make it 275lbs.  Then I hit the Ladder Machine with a vengeance.  I did 4 minutes three times in intervals.  Yeeeow!   After getting off that machine my legs fell 10 x larger.  So I ended up going 7.43 feet.  Played some racquet ball my with my new (used) racquet I got for $11.00.  So yeah I really like it.  And playing racquet ball after hitting the ladder feels really good on my legs.   So tomorrow I get to climb a real ladder for about 4 hours for one store and another 4 hours for the other store.  So I will be on a ladder about 8 hours.    Ready for the drum roll.  That 531 calories every hour for my height and weight.  So in 
8 hour I will burn 4,248 calories. 

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