Sunday, December 17, 2017


Had a great day today.  First order of operation today was PIZZA!  Hung out with my friend Jane Lipkina at FARM STAR.  Ordered the Veggisaurs and got bread stick to boot.   Awesome food.  And what better way to start the day.
Yeah even though yesterday my average speed was 11 mph, today I was able to go a little faster why?  No fricken wind. LOL   
This is my fourth day of riding straight 168.4 miles so far and beat my total for last December which was only 104.7 miles.
Other wise I feel fine, the only complaint was getting used to my bike seat after not being on it for a while.
Had a women look at me and call me a Bitch.  Love it, I eat that stuff up it's my fuel and it give me energy.  So bring it on.    
 In other news through a friend who walks the park people have been seeing river otters.  Squeee     I would love to see them.   I'm going to assume there out in the early morning.   My friend told me that there was a women jumping crazily and yelling excitingly River otters.  What a magical moment.  

Now for the cool gift I got from my friend. I love it.  It says "Life is like riding a bicycle in order to keep your balance you must keep peddling. :D  And a candle so I can light my way and chocolate so I don't run out of energy.    

As for riding tomorrow on with the show.....I'm going to keep going....                                                         
33.0 miles

13.3 Average Speed.  Better than 11mph.  lol 

Max Average.  
Yeah toward the end of my ride I was feeling good so I sprinted.   26.4, but not to far though. 

208 calories.

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