Saturday, December 23, 2017


I thought I would repose this one just for fun.  It's before I joined a cycling groups.  I added some old pictures of me.  And mind you I was riding on my Diamond Back Comfort bike like this.  LOL  I was using a comfort bike like a road bike.   Don't get too jealous over my cycling cloth. LOL  

Who knew that in 2013 my hubby and I would turn to the Cycling side.  It's been a wild 3 years of self discovery and great adventures.  

I'm been heeing and hawing over joining a cycling club, it's not too terribly expensive $10.00 a year.  But so far the best trainer I've had is my self.  

Concerning Phones:

I carry a phone on me to check the time and in case of an emergency's, that's it.  It is not connected to the web, so when I break I don't get distracted.  I see so many people in the park looking down it crazy.   I do feel if you want to have a good work out, put it down and away.   If you mind is distracted, your not focusing at the task at hand.

Concerning the route: 

Try to go four a route that is away from traffic or has very little traffic.  You want to become very familiar with your route, down to the pot holes you might run into.   Why?  Because familiar is going to keep you safe and your going to know what to expect.  If I break down, I can easily walk home from, their is also two places I can buy cliff bars and what not (if I need it).
  If I decided to take a different route each time, I would be putting my self at risk.  If I break down, how far would I have to walk, home?  Is my phones going to be able to connect.     Case in point, When we bike to Paradise being in the hills causes our phones signal to go dead.    So if I'm out in the boon docks and have a dead signal I'm up a hill with out a boat.  Another thing that is very important is if your going out by your self always tell a friend or family member what you are doing, were your going and how long you are going to be gone.  So if you don't return in a timely manner, someone will come looking for you.     Falling off your bike sucks and if you are unable to call or get help that double sucks.  At least you will know that if you have told somebody what area you will be in, your sore and in pain, but at least you know someone will be looking for you.      

So make sure your route has:
  • Areas with access to water
  • Access to a store or stores.  If your phone dies, you'll be some were where their is at least a phone.
  • Is close to your home.  If your going to walk, walking 4 miles is better than walking 10 miles.  4 to 3 miles is my limit, after that I have to call for back up.  This is just in case. But other wise call for help. 
Once you find your ideal area to ride in,  you won't feel like a fish out of water if your bike breaks down or your phone falls out of your hand and hits the pavement. 

When I ride by my self I only carry 2 water bottles, 3 to 4 cliff bars, $5.00, phone and camera.  That's it.   Now if I were to do a group cycling ride in the future I would carry more, but by my self I want to go light.    As for equipment for repairs, I been really lucky, I have had only one flat in one full year, and this is because I'm sticking to the same route. 


Well first of all you save $$$$.   Cycling trainers are not cheep. $300 to $400 a month.
You should be pushing your self and motivating your self. 
 This goes hand in hand with weight loss, let me explain.   If you need someone to coach you in weight loss and stick to the plan, you'll do good as long as said person is helping you.  But take the person away and most people not only stop all the healthy tips, but gain the weight back double if not triple. 

With cycling & losing weight you got to be the driving force in your goals, because if you are the create of your own momentum. You are the one that has to keep you pushing forward and the more you push forward the better you do.   Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand, it's really impossible to not talk about one with out talking about the other, but for now I'm going to stick to the cycling part.

  •  I ride two day's then break.   However if I'm feeling really good I ride three days and break.  I let my legs decide.   If they talk to me and are antsy I ride, if their dead and silent I don't ride. I listen to my body.  If I hurt my self I won't be riding.  Smart riding is better than no riding.
  • I have areas though the park that are my cool down areas and other areas were I push my self.  
  • When I ride fast, I have a mental picture of a faster rider behind me just out of sight and my mental projection is I can't let him/her pass me.   
  • I drive other cyclist batty.  Yes I will use other cyclist as a challenge, but only if they do not want to be past.    If I sense that they don't want me to pass them, I will use that as a moment to test my endurance on going fast.   What can I say it's fun.  
  • Toward the end of the ride I do 0.5 or 1 minute of hard core sprint.  Out of breath sprint.  Heaving sprint.  
  • I practice hill climbing in 2 to 6 reps.  Depending how I feel. This is a very steep grade.
  • I push my self harder going up grades than I do going down grades.
  • Drink lot's and lot's of water.
  • I eat 1/2 of a cliff bar every hour.   
  • I stand up on the bike and stretch.  
Cycling is all mental, your mind will give out before your body does.   The trick is to train your self to recognize and over come what your brain is telling you.  Your body will let you know when enough is enough, were as your brain will tell you right away, nooooo.   Control your brain, control your ride.  
     And on to the next ride.  :)


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