Sunday, January 6, 2019


Well since I can't ride I decided to compile the numbers for 2018. 
 So what Does 7,058.01 miles add up to?

Drum Roll:

Since May 2016 to now I have now ridden 13,231.46 miles.

The diameter of the earth is 7,917.5 miles. 
I've been around the earth 1.67 times or one and a half times.
 It's  2,892 miles across the United States. I've been back and forth 4.57 times. 
And for my family in Germany I rode 33.16 time back and forth across Germany.  Eating a lot of bratwurst. 

For the year of 2018  I spent 500.15 hour or in other words 20.8 days glued to my bike seat

My Average speed this year was 13.34.

My Max was 25.16.

So I have to use my head.  No more hill climbing until I get my core up to pare.  So I'm going flap jack flat for a while.

Now for the bad new and again self inflicted. I've gained about 12 pounds.  Oh well that's life.   

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