Thursday, January 3, 2019


Well believe it or not I'm only 1 mile behind mileage for last year.  
I guess I'm a glutton for pain.  Last year when I did the up hill challenge series I was just getting over a really bad case of Bronchitis, but still hacking all the way up, but funny enough no back pain.

This year I did hack and cough, but I really did a doozy, I didn't do any strength training and I'm paying the price. LMAO Ow!  I walking bent over and in pain.  
   I was going to rejoin the exercise club by doing window painting for them in trade for a member ship.  That kind of fell through. So I'm going to just do it at home. 

Today I missed a 60 mile Club ride. :(  

I want to join the Coffee ride tomorrow, but I really don't know if I'm going to do that.  This is how bad my back is.  Funny enough my legs are like WTF are you waiting for.  

Looking forward to the end of my pain.  

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