Monday, January 28, 2019


 Well I'm back at it.   The Velo Ride is in 12 days.  Heart pounding.     Well considering I still managed to get 121.09 miles in for January.   I though it was under 100 miles.  Hey over 100 miles is better than no miles.
 Well here is how I started my ride.  Not just one smashed red cup, but a shit ton all over both sides of the road.   College students are back, full force.    The odd irony is that there concerned about the environment, but apparently plastic red cups are perfect to throw all over the place. 
This was just a bit on the side of the road, but believe me it was bad on the other side and in the middle. 
 Hey look Tit less way and my back so far so good.
Very smokey today? I was not sure if it was smoke, fog maybe? 
ROCKS!   The new gun deterrent.  (warning my sarcasm is on high)
The Gun Club decide to donate these special rocks that will make potential gun nuts change his mind from shooting people.   These are special rocks, each selected from a special rock pile. There arrow dynamic and fly with high accurately at any unwanted person with a gun.  

Ugghhh!  Fit One Boot camp! Teams of 4, no bucket, no shovels.  We had to scoop up as much as possible. The winning team would have the biggest pile.  I was using my hands as scoops and using my shirt as the bucket.  My finger were pretty much fucked up, but hey we won. 

Energy Efficient Homes?
Ok I'm digging this.  When Can I move in.


Wow this one is a bad ass mushroom, what ever it was pushing up was really heavy.  

More Mushrooms.
This mushroom was really on edge. 
No seriously.  It was not fall over it was just growing this way.

Looking at a creek that is usually dry.

There is something in the trees waiting for death.   

25.8 miles per hour.  Sort sprint, but I can do it. 

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