Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Great ride today with the WOW group.  Did some climbing and my back was a bit sore, but as soon as we stopped it was fine. So whew.

What a beautiful way to end my ride by finding this tree, the humming birds and bees were all over it.

                    On my way to join the group, I've been noticing that the park has been cleared out and trees are being cut up.  Either people are getting spooked from what happened in Paradise or their trying to keep the newly expired homeless people from Paradise from camping out.  I mean the one's who lost everything and have no trailer or home to go to.   Chico has a way with herding the homeless.   30 years in Chico and I've seen it all.   

I thought is was going to be a really cold ride. Nope I ended up taking the ear warmers off.

The wonderful ladies of WOW.

Here we go!
It started to really warm up so we stop and every one took there coats off.


Beautiful dry creek with a old barn in the back ground.
Getting to Nicalog Rd.
Moss and Lichen.

Sneaky!   Coming back down from Nicalog Rd I over shot a turn off that come back on to the main road.   Opp's   Like I have not done that before. LOL  

Home we go.

Cork Forest.   I decided to stop here for a break. 
This is were your wine bottle stopper comes from.
Now don't get Corky on me.
Lot's of cork.
Ohhhh pretty!     But crap I can not find what this is.   I usually really good with finding out what it is, but one is a pill.
It's a small tree, and it looks out of place going along side the park.  How ever on the ride up to Nicalog I did see a small bush with similar white flowers. 

41.24 miles
3 hours and 11 minutes.
35.5 max speed. 
12.9 average speed.


  1. Happy to see you riding and smiling! I would like to stay in touch. I got your blog. On my G+ profile you can see where I'll be. Are we already friends on Facebook?

    1. Thanks. ;) The G+ site will be deleted tomorrow. So I added you as a friend on my face book site. I hope our blogs sights are safe.
